

Imagine you are in search of a business that you want to merge your existing business with. Would you buy a business which doesn’t make profit or is totally dependant on the current owner? That’s what you need to consider for your business as well. Principles of Business Flipping helps exactly with that. 

Why should your business besellable?

When you think of a sellable business, there are two specific and fundamental characteristics that comes in mind. A business which is Profitable and Self-sustained. If you are the key business generator for your business and even if your revenue is 5 million, you can’t sell your company excluding you. Similarly, a business that runs on its own but doesn’t generate profit, is also not sellable. 

If you take care of this 2 things in your business, you are on right track. Because than you have a business which runs without you and makes huge profit. So that you can relax on beach while sipping your favourite green tea (or coffee if you are a coffee person). 

When you have a sellablebusiness

you have achoiceof either running or selling it


Why us?

We use the principles of business flipping to help businesses become more profitable, self-sustained and sellable. That is a big differentiator. 

However, there are few aspects of business we specialise. Here are few unique things: 

Process Automation

You should be running your business and not vice versa. If you are spending too much time in your day-in day-out work, you should consider process automation.

Subscription Model

Did you know, a business that operates on a subscription based model will sell on much higher value? We can help your business to convert into subscription based model.

Expense Management

The fastest way to increase your profit is by expense management. We use a unique process to determine the avoidable expenses so it can be fixed. 

Landing Pages

You have a website? Great. But did you know that the conversion rate is generally higher with landing pages? If you design a beautiful landing page that delivers the right message, it can be a game changes.

Marketing Automation

You put a lot of effort on your marketing. But to manually manage all your marketing efforts is way too complex. You can't track it efficiently. So it is a good idea to have your marketing automated. 

Sales Automation

SALES - your every effort comes to this at the end. If you and your team is not aligned with your sales efforts, everything you do might get wasted. We can help your business automate sales. 

Social Media

"We don't have a choice on weather we do social media, the question is how well we do it"-Erik Qualman

Social media management is way too critical today. You need to ensure it is done right way. 

Lead Management

There might be thousands of people who visit your website every month or everyday and leave. Lead Magnets can help you go back to them & offer your best services/product. 

This is how we doit?

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What Are You Waiting for?

Let's make your businesssellable